Ok, now the shilling is out of the way.
There are lots of changes going on at Covered Bridge Cyclery right now. After trying to work around the "coffee shop" theme since June, work started a few weeks ago to turn the space into an actual bike shop. That huge counter that dominated the space is gone. If you liked it; sorry. It rendered 25% of the floorspace unusable. In its place is a whole wall that will be dedicated to road bikes. Not just any road bikes... sexy, lust-worthy road bikes. In the midst of all of this dust, lumber, and construction, CBC has signed up with TIME, Wilier, and Cyfac. Added to our current lines from De Rosa, Jamis, Raleigh, and Schwinn/GT, CBC will soon have, or have access to, almost anything you could ever want.
In response to informal customer surveys (ie: me talking to you), CBC will be carrying triathlon-specific items as well. More on that as vendors and brands are finalized.
I should tease you with details about the shop's new look and make you com
e in and see for yourselves. I suppose a shrewd businessman would do that. I'm not especially shrewd. I just like selling and working on bikes. So here are some pictures of the shop's new look.